Национальная ассоциация управления проектами с 1990 года
Национальная ассоциация управления проектами с 1990 года
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Project Managers Global Summit -India


PMA India has been conducting its Annual Event – the Project Managers Global Summit.


This year the Summit will be held on virtual platform. 


Theme for the Summit is: ‘Executing Projects in the Digital World’.  


Context for the Summit: Organizations today are leveraging technology in a big way, to manage all aspects of the Project lifecycle. Key performance indicators and business intelligence is available on digital dashboards, expediting the speed at which decisions can be made with confidence. Disruptive Business Models, boosting Industry competitiveness, Technology innovation, Socio-Economic challenges like Rural Development, Smart Cities are just some of the key factors driving the need for industry and organisations to rapidly adopt New Technologies like AI, IoT, Additive Manufacturing in their Project Management practices. The pandemic has served to further accelerate this imminent transition.


In order to highlight this transformation and to bring out new Practices and Competences for effective Management and Execution of Projects in the new age, PMA India is conducting this Virtual Summit (14-15 December, 2020).


Top executives and Industry Chiefs are addressing the Summit and Project Success Stories covering a range of industry sectors will be deliberated.   


Top innovations Leaders, Project Management Experts and Industry captains from India and across the world, will be addressing the Summit.


Distinguished Speakers include:

President, IPMA Mr. Jesus Martinez Almela,

President-elect, IPMA, Mr. Joop Schefferlie,

Vice President (Product & Services), IPMA, Mr. Martin Sedlmayer.  


See Program schedule below.


Interested participants from Russia may take benefit of Free registration, by registering online for the Summit at the following Registration page


The Inaugural Session of the Summit starts 1500 IST, on 14th Dec.